Situations where I wish I had decided differently


As we grow up, we become more aware of the decisions of the past.

Image alluding to decision making

Situation 1   

 _._     _,-'""`-._                                             ___
(,-.`._,'(       |\`-/|                                      __/_  `.  .-"""-.    
    `-.-' \ )-` ( , o o)                [Pets]              \_,` | \-'  /   )`-')
          `-    \`_`"'-                                       "") `"`    \  ((`"`
__________________________                                  ___Y  ,    .'7 /|
||______________________||                                 (_,___/...-` (_/_/    

You forgot to bring your pets to a friend's house before a weekend trip.
When you got home, some of your furniture was damaged.

If I hadn't forgotten to bring my pets to a friend's house,
they wouldn't have damaged my furniture.

Situation 2   

|_|_______________|_|           [Technology - VideoGames]                        
|  ,-------------.  |                                     
| |  .---------.  | |                                     
| |  |         |  | |                                    
| |  |         |  | |                                     
| |  |         |  | |                                    
| |  |         |  | |  You forgot to save your game progress before ending the game.      
| |  `---------'  | |  When you came back to play, you couldn't find your "save state"          
| `---------------' |  in your "Retro-Console"                                    
|   _ GAME BOY      |                                       
| _| |_         ,-. | If I hadn't forgotten to save the progress.                                      
||_ O _|   ,-. "._,"| I wouldn't have to play it all again...
|  |_|    "._,"     | 
|    _  _           |   
|   // //           |  
|  // //    \\\\\\  |
|  `  `      \\\\\\ ,

Situation 3  

You forgot to see WhatsApp yesterday, your friends write to you to meet at the cinema, when you saw the messages it was too late.
                      _O_        _____         _<>_          ___  
                    /     \     |     |      /      \      /  _  \
                   |==/=\==|    |[/_\]|     |==\==/==|    |  / \  |
                   |  O O  |    / O O \     |   ><   |    |  |"|  |
                    \  V  /    /\  -  /\  ,-\   ()   /-.   \  X  /
                    /`---'\     /`---'\   V( `-====-' )V   /`---'\
                    O'_:_`O     O'M|M`O   (_____:|_____)   O'_|_`O 
                     -- --       -- --      ----  ----      -- --  
If I had seen the cell phone, you have met your friends at the cinema


Situation 4  


         .-'       \ ___)You skipped breakfast this morning because you were running late,  
      .-'         \\\    but now you feel weak and hungry.
   .-'        ___  \\)   
.-'          /  (\  |)If you had eaten breakfast, you would have had more energy throughout the day.
        /  \  \__'| |
       /    \____).-'
     .'       /   |
    /     .  /    |
  .'     / \/     |
 /      /   \     |
       /    /    _|_
       \   /    /\ /\
        \ /    /__v__\
         '    |       |
              |     .#|
              |#.  .##|

Situation 5  


     Your student decided to send an email without                 ___________
     proofreading it carefully, and it contained a major typo.    |.---------.|
                                                                  ||         ||
     They wish they had taken the time to double-check            ||         ||
     their work before sending it.                                ||         ||
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                 `.     `.  ,
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             .    .'         `'
             `.   /          ,'
               `  '--.   ,-"'
                `"`   |  \            The end.
                   -. \, |
                    `--Y.'      ___.
                         \     L._, \
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